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Fabricante : ROXIO
Garantía de 2 años de fabricante


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27.81 €
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The best way to collect, organize and enjoy your music

Roxio RecordNow Music Lab 10 Premier is the easy software tool for people who want to collect, organize and enjoy their digital music. Collect music from disc, iPod, internet radio, and LPs. Automatically rename your music by artist, title and album. Copy your music to disc or portable player to enjoy wherever you are.

RecordNow Music Lab 10 Premier allows you to create DVD Music Discs with up to 50 Hours of music; smart navigation by title, artist, album, etc.; the ability to write to M4A format, and professional designed high quality menu themes ? or the tools to make your own.


An easy to use set of powerful tools

Roxio RecordNow Music Lab 10 Premier is the easy software tool for people who want to collect, organize and enjoy their digital music. Collect music from disc, iPod, internet radio, and LPs. Automatically rename your music by artist, title and album. Copy your music to disc or portable player to enjoy wherever you are.

Organize your music the way you want

Trim, split, clean, enhance your tracks. Batch convert music to preferred formats ? MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, FLAC or WAV. Automatically tag thousands of tracks with title, album and artist using advanced audio fingerprinting and CD recognition technology. 

Collect music from just about anywhere

Rip from multiple CDs at once. Automatically identify songs and tag with title, album, artist and track number. Backup music from your iPod even if your iPod is not paired with the PC (Does not copy encrypted or copy-protected content )

Create AutoMixes

Create DVD Music discs with up to 50 hours of music on a single disc and smart navigation to make it easy to find songs and playlists.

Windows Vista™ with 1.6 GHz Intel processor, 512 MB RAM or Windows® XP with 500 MHz processor or faster; 128 MB RAM

1 GB of free hard disk space for typical installation of all components

1024x768, 16-bit color graphics card

16-bit Windows compatible sound card and speakers

DirectX 9 or higher compatible sound card and graphics card

Windows Media Player 10 or higher

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher

CD or DVD drive to install the software (for physical version only)

Windows Vista™ with 1.6 GHz Intel processor, 512 MB RAM or Windows® XP with 500 MHz processor or faster; 128 MB RAM

1 GB of free hard disk space for typical installation of all components

1024x768, 16-bit color graphics card

16-bit Windows compatible sound card and speakers

DirectX 9 or higher compatible sound card and graphics card

Windows Media Player 10 or higher

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher

CD or DVD drive to install the software (for physical version only)

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PDAs, Ordenadores Portátiles

Ofimática y Escritorio, Gestión y Contabilidad, Gráficos y Multimedia, Internet, Antivirus y Seguridad, Desarrollo y
, Comercios, Sistemas operativos, Software de servidor, Emulación

Multimedia y MP3, Cámaras digitales, Cámaras de video, Cámaras videoconferencia, DVD, Tarjetas memoria

PC, Otras consolas, Playstation 2

Telefonía Móvil, PDA, Accesorios PDA, GPS, Kits vigilancia a distancia

Impresoras de inyección, Escáners, Impresoras Matriciales, Fax, Multifunción, Plotters

Complementos informáticos
Alfombrillas de ratón, Filtros de pantalla, Maletines / Bolsas, Productos ergonómicos, Soportes, Archivo CD y Diskettes, Limpieza / Reparación, Etiquedadoras

Productos en oferta
Monitores TFT, Televisores LCD, Televisores de Plasma, Proyectores

Componentes de Ordenadores
Componentes internos, Periféricos, Almacenamiento y Lectura, Comunicaciones y Seguridad, Modding - Personalización

Soluciones inalámbricas
Soluciones WiFi, Soluciones Bluetooth

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