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Hp OpenView Storage Mirroring Advance Server 1 LTU (336247-B21)

Hp OpenView Storage Mirroring Advance Server 1 LTU (336247-B21)

Fabricante : HP
Garantía de 2 años de fabricante


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Características técnicas
Hp OpenView Storage Mirroring Advance Server 1 LTU
Detalles técnicos
Características técnicas
Service Pack 2 release: Provides hot fixes Exchange Failover Utility: Immediate access to locally replicated Exchange data and services without missing a beat; For environments with or without Microsoft Clusters; Protection against server or strange failures with onsite data and server redundancy Server Groups: enables customers to group servers on the management console (GUI); Allows administrator to focus on only server under span of control Target reboot without re-mirroring: When target server is rebooted gracefully, the need to re-mirror is eliminated; Saves time and increases efficiency ICMP-less Failover: Enables failover of ICMP ports even when ports are blocked; Important for secure government installations
Aplicaciones soportadas
MS Exchange or SQL 2000/2003
Prerrequisitos del cliente
Windows Storage Server 2000/2003; Windows Advanced Server 2000/2003; Windows NAS (Workgroup); Exchange, SQL 2000/2003 (if failover desired)
Requisitos previos de hardware
WinTel server (minimum of two hosts, target and source) having industry standard processor(s) as documented in the Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 Hardware Compatibility List; TCP/IP network connection between hosts; 26 MB disk space for Storage Mirroring system files; 30 MB disk space for Windows installer files
Requisitos del sistema
Mínimos requerimientos de sistema
WinTel server (minimum of two hosts, target and source) having industry standard processor(s) as documented in the Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 Hardware Compatibility List; TCP/IP network connection between hosts; 26 MB disk space for Storage Mirroring system files; 30 MB disk space for Windows installer files

Fabricantes Protección y Backup
Protección y Backup ACRONIS (130)Protección y Backup APPLE (1)Protección y Backup CA (35)
Protección y Backup COMPUTER ASSOCIATES (1)Protección y Backup COREL (3)Protección y Backup GFI (33)
Protección y Backup HP (41)Protección y Backup INTEGO (1)Protección y Backup MICROSOFT (1)
Protección y Backup ONLINE USV-SYSTEME (1)Protección y Backup SYMANTEC (182)  

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